When I was offered Kathryn Porter's book Too Much Stuff: Winning the War Against Clutter, I didn't hesitate, except to wonder where the hidden cameras were that tipped them off. Let me introduce you to Kathryn and her wonderful resource:
"Author and professional organizer, Kathryn Porter, knows firsthand how hoarding can affect a family. In Too Much Stuff: Winning the War Against Clutter (Beacon Hill Press) she writes of her personal experience in growing up in the home of a hoarder and its psychological, emotional and relational impacts. Porter now trains others to battle clutter by helping them first identify their origins of excessive attachment to objects and suggesting boundaries that assist in de-cluttering."
"Too Much Stuff offers practical tools for attacking clutter in a home, setting boundaries, knowing where to start, decreasing unused apparel, household items and paper clutter. Porter addresses the relationship between debt and clutter as well as relevant heart issues. Small group study questions are included for each chapter with relevant scripture verses on the themes of each section." (quotes taken from provided news release)
I can't wait to take a deeper look at my clutter issues with Kathryn Porter's help in Too Much Stuff.
Which leads to the topic of my hiatus. After much consideration, I've decided to take a break from my Mommy Forward blog and project. While I've accomplished some of my goals as far as weight loss and personal & professional development over the past four years, it's time to reevaluate. I've spent most of my life striving, achieving, and burning out. I can't ignore the whispered invitations to simplify, be grateful and enjoy the present moment. I was recently introduced to Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts book and A Holy Experience blog. You're welcome to come hang out with me there.
All God's best to you and yours,
DISCLAIMER: I was given a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for posting a book review on my blog. All opinions expressed are my own. Blog Tour is being managed by Creative Resources Consulting & Media Services.