
Sunday, December 7, 2008

"A happy heart
is good medicine
and a cheerful mind
works healing."
Proverbs 17:22 AMP

Today marked 11 days since my lap-band surgery. It's been a fairly smooth process, and I'm thankful.

I'm especially grateful to the family, friends, and even strangers who blessed me with their kindness.

  • My husband and son provided their hands and feet when I was too sore to bend or move.
  • My mother took care of everything else including feeding us and our pets, driving us around, and doing our dishes and laundry.
  • My in-laws scrubbed bathrooms & floors and put up our outdoor Christmas lights.
  • Several friends dropped off food so my husband had home-cooked meals.
  • Many friends visited, called, or emailed to help pass my time that was otherwise spent watching TV.
  • Women from support group provided tips, recipes, and a listening ear.
  • I received flowers, balloons, a stuffed animal, and cards that brought smiles to my face.

It's one thing to agree that "no man is an island". It's quite another to see & benefit from its practice. I've lost 12.5 pounds so far, but through the love and support around me, I've gained so much more.
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