
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Risky Business

As I look back on 2008, one word comes to mind... RISK.

Now, by nature, I am not a risk-taker. I like to play it safe. But if I had stayed in the stagnancy of my comfort zone, I would have missed out on many of the blessings of this past year.

For instance,
1) If I had given up on physical therapy, I may have needed knee surgery.
2) If I hadn't considered and pursued lap-band surgery, I would still be a hopeless dieter. Instead, I'm down 17.5 pounds, am eating healthy, exercising regularly and shopping for smaller clothes.
3) If I had not pursued writing opportunities through Elance and our local newspaper, I would not have written several freelance articles.
4) If I had not listened to God's prompting to meet Nancy Sebastian Meyer at a writers conference, I would have missed out on a wonderful mentor.
5) If I had not submitted a humor piece to an editor, I might have always wondered if it was any good. Instead, he accepted it and asked for more!
6) If I was too afraid to try a new look, I would have missed out on my fun, new glasses and haircut that are a better reflection of "me".

There are probably dozens more examples, but these are the ones that stick out in my mind.

I hope 2009 brings a new list of risks and rewards as I continue on my journey to be all that God wants me to be.

Happy New Year!
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