
Monday, May 11, 2009

How to Mess Up Your Child's Life & Giveaway

Yesterday we celebrated all of the good we do as mothers - the hugs, the care, the packed lunches. Ultimately we try to do the best job we can. But with so many aspects to motherhood, it's easy to overlook a few biggies. Now there's a comically titled book "How to Mess Up Your Child's Life: Proven Strategies & Practical Tips" that outlines the seven deadly sins and ways we can steer our children from them. Keep reading for a simple way to win your very own copy.

Each of the deadly sins - pride, envy, anger, gluttony, greed, sloth, and lust - is covered in a tongue & cheek style that is countered with expert advice, family activities and practical tips for children of all age levels. For instance, if you want to encourage laziness and procrastination (i.e. sloth) in your children, you can just do everything yourself. Otherwise, you might create a "jobs basket" with slips containing household chores to conquer. Each family member then selects and completes a job until all of the jobs are finished. Olivia and Kurt Bruner have created a great read that can serve as a handy resource when parents and kids face these habits.

I am pleased to offer several copies of this book as a giveaway from the publisher. U.S. and Canadian residents can enter by emailing before Friday May 15, 2009 with your full name, mailing address (no PO boxes, please) and which of the seven deadly sins concerns you most.

Hopeful Winner
123 Any Street
My Town, CA 12345 USA

Winners will be announced on Sat. May 16, 2009. Books will be mailed directly from the publisher. Thanks for entering!
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