
Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Goals, A Freebie & Giveaway

I can hear cheers & sighs of relief throughout my neighborhood. The kids are back on the bus headed to school after the Christmas break. They'll enjoy another day of learning, friends & fun while we resume our daily routines of housework, errands, exercise & Facebook.

No doubt we're super motivated to tackle our goals this time of year. Have you decided what you're going to work on? I'm focusing on exercise & decluttering.

While I had to let go of my YMCA membership, I'm exercising more at home (Wii Fit Plus, bike and kettlebell) and will attend my first running club meeting tomorrow night. (Pray for me, please!)

On the decluttering front, I'm working through the book Throw Out Fifty Things by Gail Blanke. I like that it addresses physical clutter as well as mental clutter. If you'd like to join me, you can download a free workbook.

And, I'm giving away three books by The Organizer Lady, Sandra Felton: The Messies Manual, Organizing Magic, and Messie No More. To enter, leave a comment by Friday 01/08/10 with your answer to this question:
If I could wave a magic wand, clutter would never collect in (what room or area in your home.)
(Be sure to leave an email address (will not be published) so I can reach you if you win.)

Happy New Year!

Photo courtesy of


Candace Sheppard said...

If I could wave my magic wand, clutter would never collect in my living room. This room is all access and everyone as soon as they come in start to strip and leave clothes, toys books and the like everywhere! i also sew in that room so you can imagine the scraps and threads all over. Great post, very motivating. I'm following!

Anonymous said...

If I had that magic wand I would wave it over the kitchen. Everything ends up in there ! Mail, backpacks,boxes of food, shoes, clothes, books ! If the kitchen was always clutter free it would be easier to cook and not run out for fast food. The kitchen is the heart of the home and I would love to have a healthy heart....:)


Congrats to Candace S., Gina O. (anonymous) and Angela D. (Facebook comment)! Each will receive a copy of a Sandra Felton book to help in their organizing efforts. Enjoy!

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