You might be asking "why" this unnamed writer who is the busy mother of a preschooler and on the verge of weight loss surgery would attempt such a task. My, I mean, her answer? THE SHEER JOY OF IT!
I've spent the last portion of my 2-year Christian Writers Guild course on a fiction project. I'd be lying if I thought I even have 1,000 words of it written. Instead, I have character profiles, settings, plot details, and ideas swirling around in a binder and in my head. I've also gotten feedback from some very reputable writers, mentors, and dear friends that this is a worthwhile idea for a story. So rather than do the responsible thing, like work on something that might seem like "real work", I'm devoting November to telling Jenny's story--a dead-end life, a search for fulfillment, and a stint on Reality TV.
And, if I just so happen to get surgery in the midst of all of this, I've got a great reclining sofa and an adjustable table for my laptop :) Stay tuned.