James 4:12 NKJV
It took some time (okay years), but I've seen the error of my ways. I want to say I'm sorry for-
- Expecting you to fit my idea of the Christian mold
- Wanting to impress you with my Bible knowledge (hiding my lack thereof)
- Judging you for your sins
- Not helping you when you needed me
- Gasping when you knew a non-Christian song on the radio
- Expecting your children to watch Veggie Tales instead of Dora
- Trying to act like you so you would like me and not being myself in case you wouldn't
- Expecting your children to behave at all times
- Not praying with you
- Being jealous of your blessings and downplaying your pains
- Not acting like the Jesus we both claim to serve
I've sinned against you and I've sinned against Him. For all of this, I am truly sorry.

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