
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Continuing Education for Moms

Yesterday our son graduated from preschool with sights set now on Kindergarten. As my heart welled up with pride and love, familiar sayings came to mind. The world is his oyster. His future is bright. Etc. Etc. We want to provide the encouragement and education he needs for his chosen profession (currently a train conductor {smile}, but only God knows what the future holds.)

Motherhood is a valid profession. (Okay, maybe not for him. But hopefully he'll be a father some day.)

It is that belief that inspired Jill Savage and a group of women to plan the first Hearts at Home conference 16 years ago. Today these conferences are a place where moms can go to find the encouragement and education they need to do this mothering thing right!

The problem is, not everyone can attend a Hearts at Home conference, so Hearts at Home University was created!

Hearts at Home University is a new resource designed to encourage and equip you in your journey as a parent! These live web casts, affordably priced at $15 each, allow you to tap into continuing education as a mom on a regular basis right from the comfort of your own computer.

The topics that will be covered over the Spring and Summer Semester include:

“Is There Really Sex after Kids” with Jill Savage
“She’s Gonna Blow” with Julie Barnhill
“Redefining Romance” with Mark and Jill Savage
“Keeping Your Ducks in a Relative Row” with Karen Ehman

We provide encouragement and education for our children. Why not invest some time in ourselves and our chosen profession?

For information on dates and times, or to register go here.
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