
Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Family Report Card

"The report card helps give us a focus, and it frames the dialogue for moving forward." ~ Adrian Smith

I have a passion for forward movement (hence the name Mommy Forward. You can read more background on me here.) But this morning it hit me... with so many areas to address, I should probably sit down and take inventory, for myself as well as my entire household and family. So I put together a Family Report Card to brainstorm what's going well, what needs improvement, and the actions required to make positive changes.

I'm juggling a lot right now - summer break, promoting my new book, business and ministry opportunities, passions, goals, and struggles. I'm in good company. However, I've decided it's time to take a sabbatical from blogging to refocus and regroup. I reserve the right to chime in from time to time, but the majority of the next 8 weeks will be spent in offline thought, prayer, and hopefully action (or at least creating a plan of action.) I hope to return and take part in the SITS girls' 31-day build a better blog challenge in September. Until then, I'll be spending time with my family, exercising, attempting to live simply and mindfully, and gathering focus and strength for whatever's next.

Please say a prayer for a meaningful and worthwhile break. Thanks! Whatever you're working on, I wish you the same.

Checklist Image: Rawich /
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