
Thursday, September 22, 2011

With Minimum Flair

(If you're visiting from ICLW, welcome! Here's a little background about me.)

Have you ever seen the movie Office Space? Once you get past some foul language, it's a hilariously funny movie that my husband and I watch and quote often. In the scene below, Joanna (played by Jennifer Aniston) gets a lecture on wearing the minimum pieces of flair.

It's been a rare, minimum-flair kind of week (hence the Office Space connection.) It started with a cold (or possibly allergies) on Sunday. We stayed home from church and small group, opting for extra sleep instead. The days that followed included light housework, the new Facebook layout, and a few thrift stores. I even caught 1/2 an episode of Dr. Phil.

Normally I'd sound like Joanna, "So more then?" But considering my normal weeks, I enjoyed expressing myself with only the minimum for a change.

Image: Ambro /


St Elsewhere said...

Oh I remember the movie and loved it too.

Glad the week was not too hard on you.

Take Care!

iclw #39

Deborah said...

I only saw that movie once, believe it or not. But it was great. And sometimes you need a minimum-flair week. :)

from ICLW

Tippy said...

Stopping by from ICLW (#19).I love this movie! I work in an office and laugh a lot about this movie because it is so true.

Sarah said...

Love that movie!!!

I hope everyone is feeling better!!

happy ICLW

Jamie said...

I love that movie, and your analogy! Happy ICLW!

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