Kate said "They edit out our faith [from the show]" which is why she enjoys speaking engagements. She recounted the story of how she and Jon became parents of the sextuplets as well as 6 lessons they've learned. She did not count them out specifically, but this is what I jotted down as I listened:

1. God is in control.
2. When we are weak, He is strong.
3. God will provide.
4. Trust God (Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.")
5. We can't out-give God.
6. By telling our story, we give God the glory and praise.
I was most impressed with her transparency. She is a real person with real doubts and shortcomings. She and Jon didn't know how many of the sextuplets (originally 7) would survive, whether they would have special needs, etc. They also didn't know how they would care for such a large family that went from two incomes to zero income when Jon lost his job and Kate went on bed rest. They only knew their lives would never be the same. Time and again she pointed to her inabilities and God's super abilities, stating that He will always have the better plan.
It's a shame TLC doesn't air the entire story. Sure, we see Bible verses on the kitchen cabinets or the occasional t-shirt. But I have a greater appreciation for Kate and their family after today. She is more than the uptight, organic-loving super-mom with an infinite to-do list. She is an ordinary, everyday mom with an extraordinary, super God.
The strength available to Kate through trusting God and having a relationship with Him is available to any one of us. All we have to do is ask.

I don't understand why they feel they need to edit out the faith. With a family that large, I think knowing faith is at the crux of it is wonderful!
Just wanted to post and let you know that I was also at the Gateway Church on Sunday, 2/22/09 to hear Kate speak. I agree totally with you, she was so transparent and personable. I truly enjoyed hearing her speak. I only wish I could've made it to Exton to get my book signed. :)
Donna in Oxford, PA :)
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