
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mother Nurture Month: Our Bodies

Last week I took my own advice from the Introduction / Part 1 of this Mother Nurture Month series. After stress and moods got the best of me, I grabbed a book I've owned for almost 2 years and started reading. I'm loving every minute of it!

This week, in a similar fashion, I am about to heed my own advice on caring for my body after major slip ups in this department (I will spare you the snapshot of my bloated belly courtesy of this afternoon's chocolate cookies.) Despite having lap band surgery, joining Curves, participating in a neighborhood weight loss challenge, learning mindfulness techniques, and signing up for yet another weight loss support group, my eating continues to run out of control. Truth be told, I've been standing in the way of my own good health and weight loss success. And it's time to get serious again.

My Vitamix is set to arrive sometime this week, and I'm gearing up for my new support group that begins next week. For now, my goal is simply damage control. I can't take back today's mistakes, but I can plan better for tomorrow, including printing off and starting a food diary again (like these free printables.)

The mother nurtured body, defined.
By my own definition, a mother nurtured body allows you to meet the demands of your life with energy and joy. It's not about the number on the scale but your quality of life. Each of us will have limitations, whether that's illness, excess weight, disabilities, etc. I believe the goal is to care for and maximize the body we've been given so we can be effective for ourselves and the people around us. For instance, my painful, bloated belly has taken me out of commission for the evening - so much so that I had to put off playing with my son until another time. My lack of energy and joy means we both missed out on an awesome opportunity.

A few how-to's...
A mother nurtured body should be nourished with good food; energized with activity; and enlightened through encouragement. This may look different in each of our lives, but the principles remain. In my experience, some people need to avoid things (such as gluten or dairy) when others may not. And the activities and encouragement that work for me (like Zumba and Scripture) may be different than what my neighbor chooses.

Final thoughts...
Take a minute to look at what you're doing well to nurture your body and what still needs improvement. Before I turn you loose, here are the statements I came up with to help keep me on target:

I will nourish and energize my body.
I will make conscious food and activity choices.
I will make time for what's important, not take shortcuts.

How will you nurture your body this week? Leave a comment to share a struggle, a tip, or both.

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