
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mother Nurture Month: Our Spirits

It's just one of those weeks...
      The house is a mess.
      My moods have been as low as my to-do list is high.
      I heard my first "I hate you" as a mom.
      And I chose pre-celebration escapes in the Easter candy stash over doing my bible study homework (which would have been more helpful to my spirit and my waistline.)

What advice could I possibly offer today about nurturing the spirit? Perhaps just the fact that we need to! LOL

A tired mom needs healthy escapes.
On our way to a women's ministry meeting earlier this week, I joked with a friend that we could keep driving and never return. Okay, I wasn't completely serious, but I have to admit the idea was somewhat appealing. After all, those trips to the Easter candy hadn't solved anything. But praying, talking with my mom and friends, and taking a nap were healthier alternatives.

A tired mom needs encouraging words.
I love to browse the shelves of second-hand stores for uplifting stories, jokes, quotes, and devotions. Sometimes a chuckle (like the ones I get from the Maxine cartoon) are just what I need to get through the day. Tuck a quote or verse in your pocket and refer back to it like a prescription for positivity.

A tired mom needs to silence the negativity (in her own head and around her.)
This week my depleted spirit became super-sensitive, and I basked in the negativity. I wanted to sit in it. I wanted to perpetuate it. Life became all about me, and I felt like I deserved the attention. But I kept asking myself "why are you down cast, oh my soul?" My mind was choosing negativity but my spirit was trying to rise above it and be encouraged again. Thankfully, with God's help, I was able to silence the negative thoughts long enough to regroup.

A tired mom can choose to be a nurtured mom.
Take some time over the next few days to care for the three areas we've talked about - your home, your body, and your spirit. Next week we'll wrap up the series with some final thoughts and a Mother's Day contest.

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